Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Murder, anyone? Book #5

Red Herring: A Joe Gunther Novel by Archer Mayor

Fact: Archer Mayor is a real life “Richard Castle.”  I am not even kidding.  Besides being a novelist, Mayor is a state medicolegal death investigator, a volunteer firefighter/EMT, AND a detective.  For the Sheriff’s department.  Awesome.

However, there is a big difference between the author ‘Richard Castle” and Archer Mayor.  I mean, besides the fact that Mayor is a real person.  That difference is this book is very well written (books like “Nikki Heat” suck in terms of literature).

Now, I’ve not really read a lot of mystery/murder books.  In fact up until this book, the only ones I’ve ever read have been Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels (Sherlock Holmes).  I’ve also concluded that maybe this isn’t my genre of book, but as I mentioned before, this one is well written.  It kind of reminded me of a TV crime show episode, just happening at a slower pace.  Until the last two chapters, then all of a sudden shit hit the fan, and it was super intriguing.

This story takes place all over Vermont, but it focuses in Brattleboro.  A murder happens to a little old lady.  Seemingly she was raped; but was she?  Another person commits suicide with a brand new cord, and a stool that is too short?  A kid, seemingly with a belly full of booze, takes a corner too sharp on his way home from work in West Leb to Thetford, or does he?  How are these people connected, and what is going on that is devastating to such a small place right before a very important election?  These questions and more will be answered if you read about this mystery that is plaguing the poor countryside of Vermont.

If you enjoy mystery novels, you should definitely check out Archer Mayor and his Joe Gunther series.  If not, check it out anyway.  It’s a relatively small book and shouldn’t take more than a week to read if you have the time.

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