Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tidal Waves of Excitement on a Boxing Day!

So I am reviewing a documentary.  It is called "Tsunami: Caught on Video."  Guess what it's about! That's right folks, a tsunami, caught on video.  But not just any tsunami.  This is THE tsunami.  It is probably the most devastating natural incident, not ONLY caught on camera, but also within our lifetime....thus far (ominous!)

So here are a 10 facts about said tsunami:
1. It happened in 2004 in the Indian Ocean On December 26.  Merry Christmas indeed.
2.  It killed approximately 230,273 in fourteen different countries with waves up to 30 meters high!  JEEZ! That is nearly 100 feet, which is fucking high.
3.  It is known as the Boxing Day Tsunami.
4.  It caused the entire planet to vibrate.
5.  It is the third largest recorded earthquake; the epicenter was in Simeulue.
6.  There are 1.6million people displaced from the tsunami.
7.  125,000 people were injured.
8. Aceh was the hardest hit area.
9.  The aboriginal tribes of the Andaman islands faired not too badly, for they were able to tell a tsunami was coming because of oral tradition.  Go team!
10.  Hollywood is turning one family's story into a hollywood blockbuster movie, called "The Impossible" (Man that is the corniest thing I've written in a while).

(To find more facts go to wiki's site about "2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami," that is where I got my info from above.)

So I was inspired from the trailer that I linked above to watch the documentary that is linked above. I suggest you do it too, that way when you are at the movie with your friends you can be like the annoying fact giver that everyone always rolls their eyes at (or finds interesting).  I found it on, which is where the link takes you.  The video comes in 8 parts, so make sure you click on the correct sequential videos.  ENJOY!


PS "The Impossible" stars Ewan McGregor, who is a brilliant actor and always performs well in his rolls.

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