Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hey y'all!  So I've decided to try and break up my blogging into different categories because A) I can and B) I'm kind of obsessive and weird with stuff like that.  I like to be hyper organized with many things in my life such as work, but can be completely sloppy when it comes to putting my clothes away...weird right?

 So one of the things that I've discovered that I like to do is write reviews on movies...aka movie reviews.  Sometimes I'm wordy, which is something you need to fix if you are ever going to write in a scientific type journal (grad school cloud looming over head).  I think I give a really unique and insightful perspective.  I'd like to think of myself of the voice of the intellectually oppressed movie goers!  Sure, it's corny, but I feel it's true.  Hell, I don't know, maybe you even watch and criticize movies the way I do, which is pretty awesome, but I find it hard to discuss movies with people because I am often scrutinizing on a more minute detail scale.  Well, with some movies anyway - stuff just pops out at me.  I think it's probably because I don't actually watch that many movies...

Anyway, for all you book lovers out there, I also plan on reviewing books (mayhaps magazines).  You may have read them, I may have read them (hahaha) but hey why not read about them?  I read a lot and it's fun.  You should be doing that instead of watching movies and TV shows....

Which introduces my last topic. I  am going to be reviewing TV shows to.  Why?  WHY NOT?!  Because I can.  I'm opinionated.  Whatever the reason, it's going to happen.

I may also give the occasional review on restaurants, movie theaters, shops, boutiques, cities...I don't really know what I will want to rave about or bash into the ground.  Won't know 'til it happens.  I like to keep my options open etc., etc.  Like I said in my blog title "Reviewer's Choice," which means I >>>>>this girl<<<<<< the reviewer, gets to chose what she reviews.  Enjoy!


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