Saturday, May 18, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Scotty Running -
He does this a lot in this movie!

Need I say more?

As many of you Star Trek fans remember (or even if you don't), the first new Star Trek movie informs us that we are in a different dimension than that presented by the 1960s Star Trek.  As you may know, a different dimension doesn't mean necessarily that all the events are different, it just means that the outcomes of similar events will be different.  To explain this a little better:

Dimension 1:

Event A occurs,  Person 1 and Person 2 do stuff, person 1 dies

Dimension 2:

Event A occurs, Person 1 and Person 2 do stuff, person 2 dies

That is super simplified version of how the events affect the outcomes, but if you really want to see what I mean, watch the original movie (hold on to your pants; it's exciting), then watch the new movie.  But don't just watch the new one, see it in theaters.  But don't just see it in theaters.  See it in the IMAX.  In 3D.  3D HAS GOTTEN SO MUCH MORE AWESOME!!

I usually hate seeing 3D movies because I end up with a headache, and let's face it when they first started coming out they sucked.  This movie didn't suck and it was totally worth the 3D ness.

If you are a nit-picky movie goer, you will notice a lot of things wrong with this movie; like how in the end it's just wrapped in a nice little package with a pretty little bow.  But you have to keep in mind, it's a movie, not a TV show, and there is no lengthy time for super explanatory endings.

However, if you like to be entertained by movies (like me), you will really enjoy this movie.  There is a lot of action packed fights, Spock-humor, and stunningly handsome leads.  Scotty and Chekov (no idea how to spell his name) play a larger part in this than the TV show, and they are so funny and do their parts justice.

If you are a Pine nut, a Quinto fan, Saldana, Karl Urban (Damnit Spock I'm a Doctor, not a physician), or whoever you follow, they all did a wonderful acting job and you will like this!  Not to mention the hard work of all the animators, directors, etc., make the movie so entertaining.  And Benedict Cumberbatch (what a lengthy name!) did such a good job at playing Khan.

My recommendation is to watch this movie and judge it for yourself; if your disappointed it's your own fault.  You have to remember that Gene Roddenburry isn't alive anymore, so it doesn't have his touch, but it's a good taken on it's own and separate from all the TV series.  Enjoy!

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