Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whispering Red Trees and Sweetheart Filled Summer Days

Are you relishing those lazy days before school starts?   You should be.  In fact right now you should be sitting in a field of grass, watching the pollen fall and the leaves turn.  You should be lying down, dozing with your lover close beside you.  That's what I want to be doing anyway.  I'd just absolutely love to be lying up in Washing Square Park somewhere near the Rose Garden after having a picnic with nothing on my mind but how lucky and how happy I am.

For those of you fortunate enough to do that, I have stumbled on the perfect CD for that afternoon.  "Red Trees" is a very interesting album by an artist that I have just discovered; Lisa Papineau.  She has a very unique sound to her voice, and this album is just so mellow it's absolutely glorious.  As I haven't listened to the cd much, I can't really tell you what the songs are about, but her voice is very whispery.  I'm not sure if that is the technical term for it, but other artists that have this same quality in their voice are Ray LaMontagne and Meiko.  I don't know if you listen to them or not, but you should.

For those of you about to go to school, or studying anything.  This is a cd that I feel could really help you study along.  Some of the songs have a cool electronic sound in them that kind of reminds me of childhood video games.  Anyway, I highly recommend listening to Lisa Papineau.  There are a few of you out there, that I don't know if you read my blog or not, but I think you would really enjoy this!


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