Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let's Pretend This Never Happened

Isn't that such a great title?  Too bad I didn't come up with it!  "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" is a mostly true memoir about and by Jenny Lawson,

Have you ever been on a bus, or sitting around somewhere and you hear people's conversations, and you wish you could write this down because seriously?  This is going on?  That is basically what this book is, except it happened to the author AND she wrote it down into a nice mostly consecutive order.  And it is so goddamn funny!  Like, seriously funny.  This is one of the only novels that I have ever read that probably had me laughing throughout most of it.  And don't get me wrong, not at her, well kind of at her, but at the situations that she has been in throughout her life.  For example, her dad is a taxidermist, and this resulted in her playing with a lot of dead animals as a child, which kind of grew to a weird obsession in her later years.  Not with any gross taxidermy stuff, but like the mouse in clothes on the cover of her book.  She decided/has decided to collect small taxidermic animals that have some sort of anthropomorphic feeling to them.

I don't want to give too much away, but it's interesting how Jenny juxtaposes stuff that happened in her life.  Like she had an eating disorder when she was younger, which she acknowledges, but she talks about it in a way that is not "oh pity me," but more like, "man that was stupid."

Anyway, I read this book a while ago, and thought it would be a good holiday read for anyone with a few hours to themselves.  Heck you could probably even turn it into a family affair, although there are some parts that are more PG13.

Happy reading, and remember, share this with your friends!

Yay for Lana Del Rey!

So as most of you know I have been on hiatus from my blog as I have had a complete early life crisis of sorts - nothing too crazy, but there were definitely tears shed and desperation felt.  Yet through it all I managed to watch movies and listen to music.

I realize that with this particular artist I am not on the bandwagon, but hitching a ride from the horse and buggy.  (Yes I know I've used that saying before, but dang it, I like it!)  Anyway, you indie listeners may recognize the name Lana Del Rey, but for those of you who don't you should definitely listen to her at least once.  And for your convenience I have linked up not only her website, but a youtube video of her song "Born To Die," 

Lana Del Rey has a unique vocal range, and as someone who has a limited vocal range, I love being able to sing along with her.  She sings in a lower tone, which a lot of people liken to Janis Joplin, but I think the comparison stops there.  Her songs are very smoky and sultry.  Also, her songs are kind of sad, but easily relatable to life situations.  A lot of other reviewers/critics agree that she gives off this 1920's/1930's prohibition era vibe, which I really like.

I really like "Born To Die" because it's one of those songs that is about living in the moment.  It is kind of unique because it doesn't imply that you have to be a superstar to enjoy life.  The message that I take away from it is that some people are meant for greatness, but a lot aren't and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as you are living in and enjoying the moment.  I think there is a lot more to this song than I am mentioning.  Whoever listens to it will get out of it what they need, and that is something that is really cool about Lana Del Rey as an artist - complex songs speak to people on different levels, and that is what I love about this type of music.  

Anyway, I hope you check out her website or her youtube video.  I tried to keep this short and sweet (like me), and will try to write more frequently.  Oh and as a special bonus I included the lyrics to the song below.  

Feet don’t fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I’m hoping at the gates,
They’ll tell me that you’re mine

Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design
I feel so alone on the Friday nights
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you’re mine
It's like I told you honey

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let’s go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words, this is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die

Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Trying to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers honey

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die [x3]

Come on and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane

Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime

Come on take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane...
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"What's Eating Gilbert Grape"

All I have to say about this movie is  I don't know if you guys have ever heard of it, or ever seen it, it's obviously an older movie before Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio's careers really took off.  But you NEED to see this.

These two men have always been, and probably always be, two of my favorite actors because...ta da...they can act.  You can't really say that about too many people .  But it is super obvious in this movie the talent that Leo possesses because he is retarded and does it very convincingly.  That sounds a little rough.  Leo's character is mentally ill; Leo plays this character very well.  There, better.

Now, let me not get too ahead of myself, and tell you what threw me onto this movie.  I was stuck in a motel room, browsing through E! Online on Hulu, and found a clip about this woman named Darlene Cates.  She is a morbidly obese woman best known for her role in this film, and she has recently decided that she wants to get back into acting.  Now I wasn't too curious about her - at first - but I was curious about the fact that JD and LD were in a movie together.  So I found it online and watched it.

Maybe you guys remember films such as "Hairspray," and maybe you remember how being overweight was stigmatized during certain eras.  Even though it is still frowned upon today (more for concern of people's health than anything I think), people are much more open and accepting about being 200-300 lbs overweight.  However, "back in the day," appropriate protocol would be to publicly humiliate the overweight person.  In this particular movie, it is also "part of the norm" for little children to peep into the house and exclaim, "I saw her! I saw her!"

The movie is centralized around Leonardo's character, who is mentally ill (with what it is never said, but based on modern diagnosis probably autism), which has also been pretty stigmatized in the past.  People would get shot or sent to the looney bin if anything was remotely "unnatural" with their behavior.  Oh, they could also be put in the attic by the family to be isolated and never be heard of by friends and neighbors.

I'm not gonna lie, this movie is kind of harsh when dealing with these two situations.  It makes your cringe in disbelief, but you have to continue watching's like a car wreck.

Now, the movie is named after Johnny Depp's character, so obviously he is in it more than I've made it seem.  He is the brother that is trying to hold the family together at his own expense.  The tragic hero if you will.  He plays a grocer who schmoozes with a neighbor by delivering groceries.  No seriously, he delivers groceries.  And sex.  Like a, small town pool boy, ya know?  He takes care of his little brother, hates his mom, but realizes that he has somehow enabled her to become so fat (but not really).  He wants to run away from his family, like his older brother did.  He doesn't want to be tied down or attached, he wants to live his own life.  So of course we get to see how he goes about the last scene.

So back to Darlene Cates.  I kind of became with obsessing about who she is, so here it goes.  Her parents got divorced when she was little, and she blamed herself (remember how divorces weren't an everyday occurrence?  I don't...).  Through blaming herself she found food, which found her weight gain.  She eventually got up to around 500 lbs.  At one point and time she had gastric-bypass surgery, lost about 100 lbs then gained it back.  Because of all her excess, she got a pelvis infection and was bed ridden for 2 years, gained more weight and became kind of a shut in, never leaving her house for something like four years (which is largely what her character in this movie is based off of).  She appeared on the Sally Jessy Raphael show on something like, "I'm too big to leave my house," and that is where the producer saw her.  Now the events above are not necessarily in order, they are just what I remember from looking her up on the internet.  If you are curious about her, you should look her up to.  It's not hard.  It's the internet.  Type it in the search bar.

Now of course I didn't tell you all about this movie because I want you to see it for yourself.  There are some shocks, secrets, and surprises that when you see it you will all be like "Jackie didn't mention this!"  Darn tootin' I didn't!  Now, I am off to the bookstore...rumor has it there is a good book for me to read and review.

Ta ta for now!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tidal Waves of Excitement on a Boxing Day!

So I am reviewing a documentary.  It is called "Tsunami: Caught on Video."  Guess what it's about! That's right folks, a tsunami, caught on video.  But not just any tsunami.  This is THE tsunami.  It is probably the most devastating natural incident, not ONLY caught on camera, but also within our lifetime....thus far (ominous!)

So here are a 10 facts about said tsunami:
1. It happened in 2004 in the Indian Ocean On December 26.  Merry Christmas indeed.
2.  It killed approximately 230,273 in fourteen different countries with waves up to 30 meters high!  JEEZ! That is nearly 100 feet, which is fucking high.
3.  It is known as the Boxing Day Tsunami.
4.  It caused the entire planet to vibrate.
5.  It is the third largest recorded earthquake; the epicenter was in Simeulue.
6.  There are 1.6million people displaced from the tsunami.
7.  125,000 people were injured.
8. Aceh was the hardest hit area.
9.  The aboriginal tribes of the Andaman islands faired not too badly, for they were able to tell a tsunami was coming because of oral tradition.  Go team!
10.  Hollywood is turning one family's story into a hollywood blockbuster movie, called "The Impossible" (Man that is the corniest thing I've written in a while).

(To find more facts go to wiki's site about "2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami," that is where I got my info from above.)

So I was inspired from the trailer that I linked above to watch the documentary that is linked above. I suggest you do it too, that way when you are at the movie with your friends you can be like the annoying fact giver that everyone always rolls their eyes at (or finds interesting).  I found it on, which is where the link takes you.  The video comes in 8 parts, so make sure you click on the correct sequential videos.  ENJOY!


PS "The Impossible" stars Ewan McGregor, who is a brilliant actor and always performs well in his rolls.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whispering Red Trees and Sweetheart Filled Summer Days

Are you relishing those lazy days before school starts?   You should be.  In fact right now you should be sitting in a field of grass, watching the pollen fall and the leaves turn.  You should be lying down, dozing with your lover close beside you.  That's what I want to be doing anyway.  I'd just absolutely love to be lying up in Washing Square Park somewhere near the Rose Garden after having a picnic with nothing on my mind but how lucky and how happy I am.

For those of you fortunate enough to do that, I have stumbled on the perfect CD for that afternoon.  "Red Trees" is a very interesting album by an artist that I have just discovered; Lisa Papineau.  She has a very unique sound to her voice, and this album is just so mellow it's absolutely glorious.  As I haven't listened to the cd much, I can't really tell you what the songs are about, but her voice is very whispery.  I'm not sure if that is the technical term for it, but other artists that have this same quality in their voice are Ray LaMontagne and Meiko.  I don't know if you listen to them or not, but you should.

For those of you about to go to school, or studying anything.  This is a cd that I feel could really help you study along.  Some of the songs have a cool electronic sound in them that kind of reminds me of childhood video games.  Anyway, I highly recommend listening to Lisa Papineau.  There are a few of you out there, that I don't know if you read my blog or not, but I think you would really enjoy this!


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hey y'all!  So I've decided to try and break up my blogging into different categories because A) I can and B) I'm kind of obsessive and weird with stuff like that.  I like to be hyper organized with many things in my life such as work, but can be completely sloppy when it comes to putting my clothes away...weird right?

 So one of the things that I've discovered that I like to do is write reviews on movies...aka movie reviews.  Sometimes I'm wordy, which is something you need to fix if you are ever going to write in a scientific type journal (grad school cloud looming over head).  I think I give a really unique and insightful perspective.  I'd like to think of myself of the voice of the intellectually oppressed movie goers!  Sure, it's corny, but I feel it's true.  Hell, I don't know, maybe you even watch and criticize movies the way I do, which is pretty awesome, but I find it hard to discuss movies with people because I am often scrutinizing on a more minute detail scale.  Well, with some movies anyway - stuff just pops out at me.  I think it's probably because I don't actually watch that many movies...

Anyway, for all you book lovers out there, I also plan on reviewing books (mayhaps magazines).  You may have read them, I may have read them (hahaha) but hey why not read about them?  I read a lot and it's fun.  You should be doing that instead of watching movies and TV shows....

Which introduces my last topic. I  am going to be reviewing TV shows to.  Why?  WHY NOT?!  Because I can.  I'm opinionated.  Whatever the reason, it's going to happen.

I may also give the occasional review on restaurants, movie theaters, shops, boutiques, cities...I don't really know what I will want to rave about or bash into the ground.  Won't know 'til it happens.  I like to keep my options open etc., etc.  Like I said in my blog title "Reviewer's Choice," which means I >>>>>this girl<<<<<< the reviewer, gets to chose what she reviews.  Enjoy!
